You are about to view a content of an adult nature that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please do not continue. The following terms and conditions apply to this site. Clicking "YES" will constitute your agreement to the following terms and conditions:

I am 18 years of age or older

I accept all responsibility for my own actions and

 I agree that I am legally bound to these Terms and Conditions

This site does contain nudity pictures.

It is not our intention to offend, so if you are under 18 years of age, or feel that you may be, please exit immediately.




All photos are the property of ©ROBERTO MANETTA

Using these images and videos without permission is in violation of international copyright laws (633/41 DPR19/78-Disg 154/97-L.248/2000)

No material may be copied, reproduced, distribuited, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or trasmitted in any forms or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording without written permission of Roberto Manetta

Every violation will be persued penally



The copyright protection begins the moment you take a photo or a video

That’s how copyright law works in the 176 countries around the world that are members of the Berne Convention.

It makes no difference whether you take that photo with your smartphone, iPad or SLR camera. Once you save the photograph (or fix it, as copyright parlance calls it) on your phone, a memory card or otherwise, it’s automatically protected by copyright in the U.S. and other Berne member countries.

  • If you are interested in exhibiting or publishing my work please  ASK
  • Copyright is an automatic right and does not require the author to file special paperwork, as is the case for trademark and patent. Registration is required to enforce the rights, but as a matter of right, an author is not required to register anything to get the right to use the “circle c,” showing the work is copyrighted.
  • Images on Blogs Does the use of an image on your blog require permission? Certainly, if the image is part of the design of your blog and/or repetitively used or adapted for your use, you will need permission to use the image.  If the image is part of a particular posting in a blog, you will need to apply the fair use factors and determine on a case-by-case basis whether your use requires permission.
  • Grabbing pictures from Google images, off of other websites, or even assuming that you have the rights to photos of yourself or your business despite that it was taken by someone else are all common mistakes that violate copyright law, and if charged, you can be faced with damages of up to $150,000 per image.
  • Always ask permission to use a photo
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1997-2025©Roberto Manetta all rights reserved