Creative and Classic Nudes
Film and Digital photography since 1997
All Original Concepts-Styling-Makeup-Painting and Handmade Accessories by ©Roberto Manetta
You are about to view a content of an adult nature that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please do not continue. The following terms and conditions apply to this site. Clicking "Yes" will constitute your agreement to the following terms and conditions:
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This site does contain nudity pictures.
It is not our intention to offend, so if you are under 18 years of age, or feel that you may be, please exit immediately
ALL IMAGES AND VIDEOS are the property of Roberto Manetta and ARE NOT of public domain
Using these images without permission is in violation of international copyright laws (633/41 DPR19/78-Disg 154/97-L.248/2000)
NO PHOTOS AND VIDEOS may be copied, reproduced, distribuited, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or trasmitted in any forms or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording without written permission of Roberto Manetta
Every violation will be persued penally
Thank you
The copyright protection begins the moment you take a photo or a video.
That’s how copyright law works in the 176 countries around the world that are members of the Berne Convention.
It makes no difference whether you take that photo with your smartphone, iPad or SLR camera. Once you save the photograph (or fix it, as copyright parlance calls it) on your phone, a memory card or otherwise, it’s automatically protected by copyright in the U.S. and other Berne member countries.
Color Volume and B&W Volume
Sono in vendita i miei due Magazine-Libro che racchiudono piu' di 500 fotografie di Alta Qualità (circa 250 in ciascun volume) scattate negli ultimi 15
Una raccolta B&N e Colore in due diversi volumi suddivisi a loro volta in due sezioni:Il Nudo Classico ed il Nudo Creativo
Per chi fosse interessato all'acquisto:
Selected works of the awarded and internationally published italian photographer, stylist and make up artist Roberto Manetta
More than 500 HQ Artistic Nude Black and White and Color Pictures divided into two volumes:Color and B&W
Each volume is then divided into two sections:Creative Nudes and Classic Nudes
For those interested in buying:
Fine Art Photographic Book, 70 pages ,57 HQ photos.
Large Format Landscape, 13×11 in, 33×28 cm
Printed on Mohawk proPhoto Pearl
Semilucida 190 g/m²
Fine Art Photographic Book, 60 pages ,54 HQ photos.
Large Format Landscape, 13×11 in, 33×28 cm
Printed on Mohawk proPhoto Pearl
Semilucida 190 g/m²
Fine Art Photographic Book, 122 pages ,116 HQ photos.
Large Format Landscape, 13×11 in, 33×28 cm
Printed on Mohawk proPhoto Pearl
Semilucida 190 g/m²